Aleph Preschool of Marin offers scholarship discounts to families who are unable to pay the full tuition amount. Please consider the very limited tzedaka funds and your needs when applying for a scholarship.

All scholarships are handled in a sensitive manner, with absolute confidentiality.

Please read the following important information regarding the scholarship process:

Deadline The Final deadline for scholarship applications is August 30, 2023.
Tax Returns: All Scholarship applications must include a copy of your 2022 tax returns. If you do not have your 2022 returns please contact our office.
Additional Information: You may be required to provide additional information including a list of assets such as Real Estate, Bank Accounts, Stocks and Bonds, Vehicles etc.

Scholarship Application Process:

Please follow this guide carefully to ensure that your application is processed.

1. Complete an Aleph Preschool of Marin Registration form.
2. Complete the Aleph Preschool Scholarship application. 
3. Submit your 2022 tax returns. Tax returns can be submitted by email or directly to our office. If you do not have your 2022 returns please contact our office.
Scholarship committee reviews applications. The committee will meet to review the applications and will award scholarships based on each individual case and the limitations of the scholarship fund.
4. Receive notification of scholarship decisions. Following the decision of the scholarship committee, you will be notified by email of the committee's decision. You must respond to our office in order to accept the scholarship.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.